Tuesday, February 8, 2011

People Who Inspire Me.

I have officially regained talking privileges now that I am overcoming my insomnia.  Did you know that when you are sleep deprived that little voice in your head that tells you your shouldn't say something because it is inappropriate is shut down.  I DO!  I was recently asked about people who inspire me, and I had to admit it isn't who you'd think.  I'm not into reality stars, movie stars, politicians, sexiest men alive etc.  No, the people that inspire me are ordinary people.  I admire those that live their life that they've been dealt with all the gusto they can.  A lot of times it hasn't been easy, but they have persevered and changed their part of the world one person at a time.  I admire the neighbor who is always at every one's door with homemade soup when their family is sick even though everyone knows she herself suffers from Arthritus. The person who always lets cars waiting to get in the lane in even when they themselves have been waiting forever to get to the light.  The mother who although she is ready to drop from exhaustion can still read her child another story before bedtime. The person who sits by their loved one's side as they linger on with some dreaded disease knowing that there will be time for sleep later but the moments left on this earth with their precious angel are running out.  I admire the woman that has given her life to her family only to find herself single again with no skills and the rest of her life ahead of her and goes back to college sitting in a class with people half her age to finally fulfill her dreams.  I admire all of those who did what others said couldn't be done no matter the hardship.  I admire that check out person who always has a smile and a cheerful word for others even though she has a minimum paying job and a hard life.  There is the single mother who picks herself up, dusts herself off, and goes on to raise an incredible child on her own when others can't seem to do it with a whole villiage.  The soldier that gives up everything that they know and love to go far away to a strange land where they are not wanted to fight for a faceless crowd of people back home that often aren't even appreciative for their sacrifices.  In short, it's not what happens to us in this life but how we react to what happens to us.  My prayer for all of us is that we can be a little more extraordinary at being ordinary people!

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