Sunday, July 25, 2010

Women Talk!

Thursday before last, I had 3 friends over, and we were learning how to play Bunco. I think I caught the jest of the game but we had so much fun laughing and cutting up that we couldn't even remember half of the time who's turn it was or what number we were on.  All of us are around 50. The conversation was SO different from those conversations that we as women had in our 20's. Every conversation in my 20's was with other young mothers. We must have told the stories of our children's births a thousand times each. When, where and how our children were born. The latest cute thing they said and  their progress with potty training.  We talked about the endless spills, fevers of 103, diapers to change and the latest sale on Pampers. That Thursday I realized how we have evolved. There was NO mention of childbirth at this gathering. I'm not even sure that I remember ALL of the details of my children's births anymore. At this point I'm just glad that I remember that I gave birth to them! No, a women's conversation around 50 goes like this. They talk about their grand-children, not being able to read fine print, colonoscopy procedures, hot-flashes,  how we can't remember anything anymore, and granny panties verses bikinis. We talk about our children needing to borrow money or what I call boomerang kids. We send them out into the world only to have them come back home to live. We talk about the re-adjustments of living together again.  I can only imagine the conversations in 30 more years. We'll talk about our great-grandchildren, how we can't even remember that we were suppose to remember something in the first place, all our medications we're taking, how our children have to change OUR diapers, and the latest sale on Depends. We probably will have moved in with one of them and talk about the re-adjustments of living together again. They'll have to take us shoe shopping for the geriatric shoes that are comfortable, practical, but ugly as sin! We inevitably grow older and go through phases in our lives.  Some are more fun than others or if you're like me you just love life and everything in it-well almost everything.  No, as far as I know there are only two options to the continuing saga of life--dying or growing older and having to wear ugly shoes!   I know that I'm not ready for practical shoes yet, but at this point it sure beats the other option!

1 comment:

jan said...

you are so right lisa i love your blog and i love you need to have another girls nite